29 June 2009

it's been done

definitely for a while, but i've been so busy. (which is mostly good)

nothing story-wise, per say. although i did just get back from my weekend in SF for PRIDE!!
i had a blast with my friends, we saw the first performance ever in the US of BoA. she's pretty much fantastic and crazy. off to SF again this week, hopefully to continue the search for an apartment and then again on friday for a beach party with my GSA network!

hope everyone is doing well.

11 June 2009

the end is here!


i can't believe it's here. it hasen't hit me yet. i'm still waiting.
graduation tomorrow and then on to my crazy weekend!

then summer. nothingness.

04 June 2009


one week. i'm done with classes. forever.

well, at least k-12 classes.

it's just starting to hit me that i'm almost done. i don't even think i've fully realized it yet, and i don't think that will happen until i go off to college.

it's all so crazy.

18 May 2009

N line

my stories all seem to revolve around san francisco...i should just get used to that
my weekend was pretty bomb, i went down saturday night and visited my friend (and future roommate) and had a blast. the beach. golden gate park. watching the aftermath of Bay2Breakers.


but yeah, i was pretty stoked after my trip...although i feel like i will be sleep deprived the rest of my life.

16 May 2009


just because this is so awesome i feel that i need to share this new(er) video with the world. i remember finding her like a year ago...i love this

if only those who don't know french knew what she was talking about...

13 May 2009


4 WEEKS LEFT. jeasuss.
there is so much to do!! (event-wise, the homework stopped longg ago)
and little time to do it all.

summer come faster.

hopefully going to SF before my friend moves back to davis next weekend, only to return again the weekend after for my monthly Youth Council meeting (which hopefully i'll get to stay another night with my friends b/c i get monday off!)

also on my mind: finding an apartment. luckily we've got another roommate (so three total), so there'll be more options of two bedrooms :)

11 May 2009


ahhh what a night!
i'm glad i had low expectations because they were definitely exceded!
my friend kyle came up from Santa Cruz and we went together and had a blast!
bustin' out the crazy dance moves :)