23 June 2008

hazy summer photoshoot

got a little bored today, so i rode out on 2nd street over to where development is...low
and decided to take some pictures
hope you enjoy them!

17 June 2008

what is this??

$350 for a Madonna ticket in oakland....in november

you're killing me madonna!
it's a little upsetting

this is bad...

i already am forgetting what day is it
monday?wednesday?tuesday? what?

and i keep forgetting that it's not the weekend either

hmm....idk what this says about me
maybe that school needed to end earlier

yeah, i think that's it

14 June 2008

here we go

let the summering begin

(it's 2 days late, but its exciting none the less)

11 June 2008

there is a god...somewhere

so basically i feel extreamly liberated and happy for the fact that i don't have to pay $81 for 'loosing' a textbook of mine! long story short, i had a book that i thought was mine (of course it's the seconded most expensive one) and somehow it got switched with someone else's. so when i go to turn in my textbook they tell me it's not mine...hmmmm...are you sure? they're positive. sucks, i was supposed to go pay $81 for it if no one turned it in by the end of next week, that is, if i want my report card on time (which i definitely do, i've been busting my a*s for the past couple of weeks).
but THANK GOD that this is all cleared up now. that would've made a really nice shopping trip, but now i guess i get to save it. lol WOOOP!

1 more day. 2 more periods. END.

06 June 2008

summer needs to come faster

4 [school] days left. 3 finals. SAT test tomorrow. SUMMER

my week has been quite busy, with many tests and projects due (luckily i got them all done without any problem!) and it's definitely not over yet. unfortunately. for some reason, i've been pretty tired this week and of course it's now catching up with me. i think i'll be going to bed earlier tonight, although i don't plan on being any less tired tomorrow afternoon.

wish me luck tomorrow
and sign my yearbook the next time you see me :)