we buy german candy. all the time, maybe even multiple times in one period. yes, it's THAT good. funny tho, that we're in french and we're buying german candy. well i guess i should clarify that i'm not buying it. my friend Marisa does (and she's nice enough to give me some, and i love her for itt) its our daily tradition. corryn, marisa, and i where perpusly seated far apart so we wouldn't get distracted by each other, but that didn't work out so well. **note to teachers**: students that are friends in your class will always find a way to talk to each other, even if it is through sign language. believe me. been there. done that.
but i must say that french is one of my favorite classes (not because of just the candy and friends) but also cause i love the language and feel that i'm actually pretty good at it. j'adore parler francais!!!