26 February 2007

Sewing 101.HOTT

well, today in sewing i was able to almost complete my project which i am VERY excited about. let me share it with you. so there is this dance next friday at school called Bogus Ball, and it's basically a costume party for the high school. i'm making these pants, well, tights to be exact, that are gold and sparkly, pretty much the coolest thing ever. i'll probably finish them tommorow because all i need to do is hem the waistline and add some elastic to it. goddd i cant WAIT.


Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmmm sexy! i hope u have fun with that!


Anonymous said...

I'm excited about those pants. You should defintely wear some other kinky things to Bogus Ball. Like... well I can't think of anything but I'm sure you can.

I like your blog. It's really well put together... like pleasing to the eyes and all.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to sew a little something into your pants. Lol.

<3 guess who?