04 May 2007

i found it

i found the collage that i want to attend. its amazing. the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). it sooooo ..i can't describe it..PERFECT. the only drawback is that its pretty prestigious and kinda expensive..so i better start workin' on my portfolio like RIGHT NOW and try to find some sort of scam i can pull of so i can get a ton of money..real fast.

kk..off to go sew and scam people!!

i'm just jokin' about the whole scam stuff, :D

1 comment:

Haute Again said...

no one my love, need be scammed. Work hard, save money but don't be cheap, babysit your little brother, find and refine your skills, be creative,be genuine and gracious and don't lose track/sight of the Kiernan so many people for so many years have loved so greatly, your parents/sparent especially.To thine ownself be true. Humility and class will get you further than perhaps anything else. I love you. dad