so..later that week [after pride] i went with my fam to LA [mehh] so they could go to a PR party on sunset blvd [no, i wasn't able to go] and also to go see my step-grandparents who live in Big Bear [and i thought there was nothing to do in daivs] we arrive in Brentwood around 4 in the afternoon and get settled in while my parents are getting ready for the party. after a very nice dinner at the hotel, my grandparents and i [with my brother] decide to go swiming. unfortunatly, the pool at our hotes was being used for an anniversary gathering that only VIP's could attend, so the hotel got us arrangmenets to go across the street to swim there. my grandmother and brother went over there for a while and i joined them later and it was really nice to have a giant pool to ourselves. the next day we had breakfast in Santa Monica [the food was lacking] and my g.p. took The Monkey up to there house in Big Bear while my parents and i went to south pasadena to look for some kids stores. we later decided to drive down Colorado Blvd. which i wish we could've stayed, but we wanted to get onto the freeway at some point before 3:00. we left Pasadena around 2:30 i think and began our greuling adventure to big bear.
you know when you expect things to be a lot shorter, even with LA traffic and driving through the San Bernandino valley? no? well, you're right. dear god, that trip took an eternity. and i thought driving from Davis to Bend was long [it was, but at least there was snow-capped mountians to look at]. i don't blame my parents at all for this, they even said that that was extreamly boring. anyways, we get there and spend about 1and a half days there [without cell phone reception :( ] but lots of Bravo! TV!!!!! i have now fallen in love with TopChef and Kathy Griffin...she's amazing. Our trip was about over, and it was nice to see some family that i havent seen in years. our trip home was long and uneventflul, which is better than nothing.
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