13 October 2007


so i have to tell you how my homeoming day went!
it started off like anyother day, except that we got out of school at 12:48
and Brandon and i walked down in the pouring rain to Central Park to meet for the parade that was too run throughout downtown. we got assigned to car number 24 and hopped in the back of the truck...in the pouring rain. we did have an umbrella and a towel to sit on, but that wasn't doing much to keep us dry. so we decided to screw the umbrella and embrace the rain (good thing we had most of the pictures taken before we decided to do this)
the parade went well..i saw some of my fam and lots of friend who screamed the moment they saw us.
it was exciting.
so as our soked selves where holding on the top of the truck we where standing on..our junior class float behind us kept throwing otter pops to us...and we ate them
so our hands where shaking
it was that cold..and wet
we get back to the highschool and the Sacramento Bee journalist wanted to intervew us for it. it was really cool and she was really nice..although i wish she didnt want to interview us in the rain (but by then i didnt really matter, we where soked as we could have been).
we decided to go for coffee afterwards and got some looks as we walked through downtown with our sashes around us that said "Prince" on it. (mostly good looks though)
as we where getting coffee..there where some football players and their girlfriends sitting outside and as we where walking up to the door, i could hear the girls be like "omg! look how cute they are...awwwww"
and their boyfriends just turned and looked.
i laughed.
the best part was when we where getting our coffee.
the girl who was taking our order was like..."so what's going on with your sashes?" and we said that we where the junior class princes. she didnt get it.
"so, are you guys like competing against eachother?"
"no, whe're together."
"where a couple"
"were GAY"
"...oooohhhhh..so is there like another set of a prince and princess?"
"no, this is it"
"there's not princess?"

we had to be back at the high school around 8 so we decided to meet later
and we did
except that as i was about 7 minutes away, i get a call that the wanted us to be there like in 3 minutes
and i hadn't even meet up with brandon yet
luckily for me, as i was walking up, i saw him and we went straight to our car
it was an audi convertable.
defenatly the best-looking car in the entire parade
what can i say?
as we get in the car, we have like 50 seconds before the half-time starts. it was fun
as the dance team did their thing, we got lots of pictures taken, and our driver was really excited to
1)be driving an audi convertable
2)having the first gay couple with her

it made me happy
anyways, it was our turn to go
and the annoucer said a samll sentence about each of us and what we do in our spare times
but you couldn't hear them
cause ther was so much screaming
not even joking, as we went by there where definaning screams from the stands
and it got worse when we waved at them.
i thought they where going to throw themselves upon the car
it was really cool to see how excited people where getting
we got to the other side where the Davis fans disappear
and the Elk Grove ones start to emerge
we go lots of weird looks and "booos" from the camo/hunter-jacked clad people
we just waved at them and gave the peace sign
we got about just 4 claps from the otherside
oh well..there's a reason why we won at DHS and no where else

it was an amazing time and i can't believe it really happend
its such a great thing that our generation is very accepting and open minded (at least in this town)
where something like this could happen
love ittt

want to see the article from the SacBee?
here you go:



Anonymous said...

There are still plenty of us in Davis that think this has gone too far.

Haute Again said...

That what's gone too far? That people are free to be who and what they are? Who love? We're sorry you don't believe in truth, freedom and love.