28 April 2008

i miss my right hand :(

so i was at this club in SanFran, dancing away as anyother time when all of a sudden and old lady falls from one of the stairways with all of her groceries, and, being the kind soul that i am, i of course go over to help her. However i didn't see the car that was to take the ability of getting dressed in less than 5 minutes, eating with both a fork and a knife or walking down a hallway with every other person asking me what happened. stop asking, i flipped off of my bike. and no, it was not graceful; voilà the splint and sling. <--thats the real story, btw.

so yes, its pathetic, and quite embarassing, nothing more to say except that you all should be proud that i typed this (and the last post) exclusivly with my left hand.

i've noticed i've become a lot more cynical...but maybe i'm just tired.

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