16 May 2008


i really don't enjoy being marginalized. today was the BloodSource blood drive at our school and, like any caring human i felt the donation of my AB blood appropriate. little did i know (well i guess i did, but not for sure) that as an openly gay man, they wont accept my blood. now before your head explodes and jump to your feet in protest like i did, one has to remember that it's not excluding gay men as a rule, but the exclusion of blood donations from men who have had sex with men ('cause i guess the heteros do it too), or even women who have had sex with gay men (yeah, iknow, that was weird for me too). so, technically without saying it, the red cross does marginalize and doesn't accept this type of donor because of their "high-risk activities" aka anal sex. honestly, it's a bunch of left over bull from the 80's-AIDS scare and it's honestly very stupid because the red cross tests all the blood anyways...so my point i guess is that definitely put a damper on my generosity for the day and they'll definitely hear about it next year at the next blood drive.

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