01 April 2007

it's solid goldddd

so, you know how i was telling you that i'm possible going to be the costumer for the DHS drama department? well, i had a meeting with the drama teacher/head of drama dept. and she was thrilled that i was wanting to do this. i was already excited, but seeing her so excited about this made me even more excited. we discussed what i would have to do for the show this friday (ergh) which would be giving a presentation on what people can/can't wear (they will be providing their own costumes, thank god.) its a tribute to Tony Fields, who, if you aren't familiar with the 80's like me, was a choreographer for many famous shows and videos including Thriller, and was also part of the Solid Gold Dancers group....hahahaha...anyways we also talked about the fall show for next year, which i can't reveal what it will be, even though i'd love to. **all i can say is that you better come** soo...i've made a list on what people can wear (to give them some ideas) and also found some images on google which where surpiringlinly hard to find, to illustrate what i'm talking about (keep in mind that im talking to a bunch of people who where born at the latest 1989, so they don't know what their in for. oh, and i also might be showing a clip from Romy and Michelle's High School reunion (the prom scene) to give some more images and ideas.

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